Aug 12

What to Know About Solar Battery Storage?

With growing interest in solar energy, most home owners seek solar battery storage as a way to maximize energy independence and efficiency.

With growing interest in solar energy, most home owners seek solar battery storage as a way to maximize energy independence and efficiency. Excess energy produced by your solar panels can be stored in a solar battery storage system for use later, when the sun is not shining. Here's what you need to know about what advantages solar battery storage can offer for your home.

1. How Solar Battery Storage Works

The solar battery storage system stores the excess electricity made during the day by your solar panels. Rather than feeding that extra energy back into the grid, it holds the energy in batteries for later use. When your solar panels are not generating electricity—after dark or on a cloudy day, for example—you can tap into the energy stored in the batteries.

2. Types of Solar Batteries

There are many different types of solar batteries, with each type having a few different advantages and disadvantages. The most common include:

Lithium-Ion Batteries: These are the most popular due to their high energy density, efficiency, and longer lifespan. Examples include Tesla's Powerwall and LG Chem's Resu.

Lead-Acid Batteries: They are more affordable with a short life expectancy and low efficiency against lithium-ion batteries. They find application in off-grid solar systems.

Flow Batteries: These types have a longer lifespan and can charge and discharge many times before their degradation. The downside is that they are larger and also more expensive, hence not so common for residential applications.

3. Advantages of Solar Battery Storage

There exist several advantages that come with investing in solar battery storage.

Energy Independence: You can charge your batteries during excess energy periods and use those batteries when the grid is out or during peak periods of demand, minimizing the reliance on the grid. 

Cost Savings: You use stored energy during peak hours of the day, when electricity rates are higher, so this reduces the energy bills for you. Some utility companies offer time-of-use rates, under which you can save even more.

Environmental Impact: By storing and using your own solar energy, you are reducing your carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels, hence assuring a sustainable future.

Increased Solar Utilization: With solar batteries, you use all the solar potential from your solar panels by storing extra energy instead of returning it to the grid.

4. Factors to Consider

There are many factors to be considered before buying a solar battery storage system:

Capacity and Power Rating: The former is the total amount of electricity the battery is capable of storing, usually measured in kilowatt-hours, while the latter refers to the amount of electricity it can deliver at a time, measured in kilowatts. Pick a system that will satisfy your energy needs and patterns of consumption.

Efficiency: It is the amount of energy stored in the battery, expressed as a percentage available for use by an end-user. Higher efficiency means more usable energy.

Lifespan and Warranty: Consider how long the batteries are going to last and what kind of warranty the manufacturer has in store. Lithium-ion batteries generally live longer, with better warranties.

Cost: A solar battery system may be rather pricey. Calculate the return on investment by considering what you will likely save on your energy bills and any incentives or rebates that might be available for doing this.

5. Installation and Maintenance

Installation of solar battery storage should be done by a professional to prevent accidents, which can be fatal, and also gives an optimal performance in its operation. The proper maintenance of the battery, besides its health check and cleaning, will enhance its life and efficient running.

6. Financial Incentives

There are many financial incentives that can help offset the upfront investment in a solar battery storage system. Federal solar tax credit, ITC, allows for 30% tax credit for solar energy systems paired with related battery storage. Other states and utilities offer rebates and incentives while installing a solar battery system.


Solar battery storage  is something  that can prove a worthy add-on to any solar energy system, allowing for energy independence, cost savings, and environmental benefits.. With solar battery storage you can make sure to maximize the usage of solar energy with the right system in place and enjoy better control over the energy needs of your home. After reading the article about solar battery storage you will be able to make a decision whether the addition of storage is right for you.

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